Revista Brasileira de Farmacia Hospitalar e Servicos de Saude
Brazilian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy and Health Services
Revista Brasileira de Farmarcia Hospitalaria y Servicios de Salud
Quarta, 08 de Maio de 2024 ISSN impresso: 2179-5924
ISSN online: 2316-7750
Revista Associada
Volumes: 123456789 Números: 12

Marcelo Silva Silvério, José Otávio do Amaral Corrêa

The University Pharmacy of UFJF develops its activities in an articulated way with the health care network in the city of Juiz de Fora, through the Western Pharmacy Regional Project. This project allows to fulfill some requirements described in the new national curricular guidelines of the courses of Pharmacy, among which we highlight the integration of the pharmacy course with the local and regional health system of the SUS and practice in this scenario. The project is the result of a cooperation between the University and the City Hall, for the dispensing of drugs from the basic component of pharmaceutical care to users referenced in the basic health units of the western region. This cooperation defines that the University Pharmacy offers the physical structure, the human and material resources, while the City Hall provides the medicines for the dispensation. The project has been in place since 2016 and serves, on average, 1600 users / month. Within the scope of the project, in addition to the dispensation, other clinical services are offered, such as health education, pharmacotherapy review, pharmacotherapeutic monitoring and medication conciliation. The University Pharmacy, through the Project, is characterized as SUS scenario, is a mandatory internship for all undergraduate students, a field of practice for pharmaceutical residents, as well as developing extension and research projects. The project has already allowed an economy in spending on medicines in the municipality, especially for the qualification of pharmaceutical assistance in the region.

Descriptors: Pharmaceutical Services, Community Pharmacy Services, Education, Pharmacy, University pharmacy

Resumo/Abstract/Resumen => Português | English | Español Artigo/Article/Articulo => Português |  English |  Español

Revista RBFHSS - Revista Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde
® 2010-2024 - Sociedade Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde - Todos os direitos reservados
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