Revista Brasileira de Farmacia Hospitalar e Servicos de Saude
Brazilian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy and Health Services
Revista Brasileira de Farmarcia Hospitalaria y Servicios de Salud
Domingo, 19 de Maio de 2024 ISSN impresso: 2179-5924
ISSN online: 2316-7750
Revista Associada
Volumes: 123456789 Números: 12

Nília Maria de Brito Lima Prado, Gladistone Correia Messias, Genario Oliveira Santos Junior, Raymundo Paraná

Drug-induced hepatitis, also called toxic hepatitis or Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI), accounts for approximately 2% of hospitalization for jaundice cases, and the liver is involved in 3-10% of all adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The cases of liver injury associated with the use of ibuprofen are rare and the frequency of idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity is small. Objective: To report a case of drug-induced liver injury identified in a medium complexity ambulatory. Case report: Female patient, 48 years old, admitted in a specialized Care Center in a city in the southwestern region of the State of Bahia, referred to the health service for an appointment with an orthopedist, complaining of severe pain in the column. She started drug treatment with ibuprofen and dipyrone sodium in case of pain. It was requested for the patient at the time of initial clinical evaluation, to perform liver function tests, aiming to rule out previous liver injury. After 15 days of treatment, the patient returned to the service, complaining of joint pain in upper limbs and edemas on every finger of the right hand, dark urine, light stools, body aches, insomnia, asthenia, and intense itching especially at night, negative viral and autoimmune markers. A total abdomen ultrasound showed slight abnormal liver texture, a moving gallstone, thus suggesting choledocolithiasis. Applying RUCAM, the reaction highly probable. Conclusion: The liver injury shown by the patient has a strong causal relationship to the use of ibuprofen.

Descriptores: Hepatotoxicidad, ibuprofeno, hepatitis toxica

Resumo/Abstract/Resumen => Português | English | Español Artigo/Article/Articulo => Português |  English |  Español

Revista RBFHSS - Revista Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde
® 2010-2024 - Sociedade Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde - Todos os direitos reservados
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